Friday, August 28, 2009

can't we all just be * fiends?

Alloy me to introduce some of
My *fiends.

The Official Fiends.

*F #001

Aon Chaimee AKA Tatt Cat

Tattoo Fiend + Pedal Marfia Hitman


Style Fiend. Sneaker Fiend. BMX fiend. on that stuff before you'd ever heard of it.

Aon's a ghost. Always seems to be everywhere at once, with something sweet going on.

About to head to Japan with the Halfsleeve crew to cause some trouble, scare the local kids & shoot the Halfsleeve look book. Uh Oh Tokyo. have an insane time.

follow his work & tattooing. follow on facebook.

solid kid to have on your side. with some bad ass tattoo's.

definite fiend+

aon. he levitates.

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