Monday, September 14, 2009

search for SNEAK PREVIEW artist of the month

SNKPRVW is looking for the next featured custom artist of the month to put their items up for sale... show how you can incorporate "sneakpreview" into your artwork and send it to

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kate Jaggard Willing. Beautiful.

This is my cousin. Amazing.


The Fast Life. #85

This is my dad. I just like these...more to come. Just because I can.  

This is me trying to catch a race from pitt wall. 

just amusing.

I can only hope that one day I will have grandchildren that will have a photo of me, their G-ma, just like this. 
The world is a very interesting place, filled with even more interesting people. I'm just jelous I can't wear those shorts like this. 
And again with my first statement. Thats living.